Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Room I Inspires...

Congratulations to our wonderful winners this week. Well done Kaden, Eden Cortez and Jodie. Well deserving winners!

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Congratulations to:
Lucy - our student of the week: making difficult decisions that might not be popular but are the right choice and so therefore, being an independent, courageous leader.
Thomas for thinking skills, sharing his thoughts and showing empathy and tolerance.
Hayley for developing reading skills and strategies.

Teach the Teacher

It was all Pokemon Go in Room H when Josh taught the class how to draw the Pokemon, Bulbasaur. Awesome teaching Josh

Tidy Tui

Meet Tidy Tui. Each week he will be presented to the class with the tidiest cloak bay. Ms Todd and her spies will be on the lookout each week but who knows on what day and at what time???? Let's hope we all improve these spaces around our classrooms to show everyone what a wonderful Enviro School we are. 

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Thanks Seth, your Teach the Teacher activity was lots of fun!  Room J and Ms. Burtenshaw had an excellent time learning a new invasion game using a nerf ball.

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Investigating Static Electricity

Thank you to Miss Robertson for the amazing science experiments she shared. Rm I really enjoyed our investigation of static electricity. We especially enjoyed the hands on part of this investigation...

Tidy Tui visit us!

The Senior Team have a new challenge, Tidy Tui. The class with the tidiest cloak bay will be awarded him weekly in Team Assembly.
Below you can see why he had to visit...

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Performing Arts Showcase

Room H are getting in a bit of extra practice for our tuned percussion item. What looks of concentration!

Teach the Teacher

Room H learnt all about St Johns from Blake last Friday. Great bandaging skills Blake! There is probably a job for you in the sick bay. 

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Sherbet is the winner of the day

Quinn taught the teacher yesterday with a crowd favourite, sherbet making. It was an excellent session run by a potentially amazing teacher!
It was pre organised, he had scientific learning to share and then everyone got to share the sherbet.
Very enjoyable, thanks Quinn!

Eden Teaches the Teacher

Today we learnt about the Japanese art of paper folding, A.K.A origami. Eden taught us all how to fold a penguin. Very cute, thanks Eden.

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

What I Found In My Desk...

We are writing poetry about our desks at the moment. We used Bruce Lansky's poem to inspire our poems. Then we published them into Pic Collage on the iPads.
Visit our room to see all of them.

Hockey Stars

The whole of MSS is having hockey sessions this winter. Once a week we go out with our class to learn the fundamentals of hockey. Nitin is our skilled instructor and we all enjoy working with him. He reminded us that the Manawatu has many hockey stars. It could be one of us in the future!

Monday, August 8, 2016

Rm I Winners for Wk 2

Congratulations to the wonderful students: Jonty, Sarah, Hunter T and Jacob.

Summer Suits up Barbie for the Olympics...

Summer went above and beyond for her Olympic home work. She didn't just design the outfit, she also made it! Wonderful effort Summer.

Mysterious Moving Water

Today we experimented with water, can it move upwards? We put a napkin in between two cups. One had coloured water. We watched and waited... And waited, and waited!
Eventually we discovered yes water can move uphill. This is called capillary action. This process can also be seen in plants where moisture travels from the roots to the rest of the plant.
Slow but cool!

Thursday, August 4, 2016


Another wet day, another great card game taught to Room H by Sadie. Lots of great competition and Busstop would be awesome to teach the family to play.