Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Room T's writing wall

Room T's amazing writing wall looks stunning. Everyone did well designing their own border and writing their autobiography which is currently being displayed on the wall. We were allowed to do any pattern/picture/drawing around the outside. When new work is completed we slot it in and possibly take out the old one.   By Liam Cotton & Jakob Mosby. 

River Trip for the Enviro Kids

On the 1st of April, Mrs Palmer took the Enviro Gang out to investigate Oroua River down by Timona Park!!! We had 4 groups, 4 activities and 6 adults including Mrs Palmer to help us out. One of the things we did was taking the temperature and checking how clear the water was. The average of the clarity and the temperature was 16.5. Another activity was finding creepy crawlies underneath the rocks. We thought that was really cool!!! The 3rd one we did was measuring how deep and long the river was. You wont believe the depth of what Group 2 had at first!!! (They may have misread the ruler) Our final activity was investigating the surrounding environment of the river. 
We would like to thank all the adults that came with us and Mrs Palmer. We had a fantastic morning and it was the best enviro trip ever!
Written by Alyssa and Ella KH

Monday, March 30, 2015

Where are The Wimpy Kids???

Here they are reading to self in Rm I. Can you spot what commonality all the pictured lovely Room I readers have?

Friday, March 27, 2015

Leaning Tower of Pisa

Image result for leaning tower of pisa
I accepted Mrs Palmer's challenge and this is what I found out...
The Leaning Tower of Pisa is located in the Italian city of Pisa in Tuscany, Italy. It is a free standing bell tower. It is known worldwide for it's tilt or lean. It's tilt began during construction, caused by inadequate foundations on ground that was too soft to support the structure. It has been stabilised in both the 20th and 21st centuries.
It's height on is 55.86m on the lower side and 56.67m on it's high side. The tower has 296 steps leaned at an angle of 5.5 degrees.

Written by Mirryn McCready

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Senior Jump Jammers doing it in style!

Really impressive Jump Jam moves from our leaders in the hall yesterday. Way to go Ciara, Jordan and Lily!

We still miss you Mr Wheeler!

It was really nice to have a visit from Mr Wheeler on Friday at Bike Out. 

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Stevie's Yoga Sessions?!

It was an exciting Daily 5 session on Monday. Stevie and Mrs Trask got out a yoga mat, we were very interested in what they might do. Mrs Palmer gave up trying to hold our attention with other less interesting activities like reading and allowed us to observe Stevie and Mrs Trask's stretching session. We learnt about all the stretches Stevie has to do and why. We asked a lot of questions and Stevie loved all the attention. Have a look at her in action below.

Reading Rocks!

In Rm I we love our weekly library session. We know how lucky we are to have such a well stocked and broad collection of books. We hope to make it even bigger after the book fair that is currently on display in Rm L. Come and visit and donate a book please.

Bike out instructions

Room T has been learning how to ride a bike on the road and writing instructions on how to do it. Here are some of the examples of riding around a roundabout. 
By: Jakob and Tyler


Dennis the Room T turtle is such a character. He gets fed every Monday, Wednesday & Friday. Dennis loves his worms & pellets.  You can tell when he wants to be picked up & when he doesn't. You can come and see him when he is being fed outside of Room T.
By Cassie & Ella.K

Constuction zone

Extra Extra - M.S.S BREAKING NEWS.
 Here at M.S.S there is a lot of building work in the process and at the moment it looks as if there is a new story being added to the office block but there isn't... It's a temporary roof keep the building work dry.
Liam Cotton & James Jones

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Rippa rugby

A couple of weeks ago we had the Turbos come to our school to teach some Rippa rugby skills because our skills were  rusty round the edges. At the end of the session we had learnt some new skills and tips. If you were lucky you even got their signature... by Ethan Trask and Sam Baker from  Terrific Room T.

Road Trip Mathematics Challenge!!!

The Rm T Math Class is working on a road trip challenge. There has been a lot of incredible discussion, strategizing and learning coming out of it!!!

Could you solve it?

Road trip!!!
-        Feilding to Whangarei
-        Fuel economy: 11L/100Km            $1.80 L                 55L fuel tank
-        100km/hr open road speed           50km/hr town speed                      Average town length 2.5km
-        30 min rest/ 1.5 hours driving
-        Your driver gets a speeding ticket 150 km into the journey (10 minute delay)
-        Your baby brother regurgitates his milk all over his car seat 350km into the trip (20 minute delay)
Your mission:
Work out the…
-        Distance from Feilding to Whangarei?
-        Litres of petrol used?
-        $ worth of petrol consumed?
-        How long the trip took?
-        Where do you plan to stop for petrol and rests?
-        Where does the police officer pull the vehicle over?
-        Where does the milk incident occur?
-        Will the family still be on speaking terms at the end of this trip?


Happy St Pat's Day!

You may not have noticed but Mrs Palmer was away this week. She was in the Deep South enjoying cheese rolls and her sisters' wedding. It was on St Patrick's Day. She is an Irish Kiwi who married a Scotsman so many shades of green and kilts were seen. 
Georgia, Murphy and Mrs Palmer were all in the wedding party. The kids looked very cute and with the exception of a small episode of bouquet fighting they were very well behaved. Official photos are still to come but here is one for you to enjoy in the meantime...

Mrs Palmer and her children are just behind the second man on the left?!

Book n Chat Club

It's here for 2015!
Book & Chat Club has arrived! Mrs Bennitt is in the library daily at lunchtimes waiting for Seniors eager to share their books. 
You receive a library token and star each visit and when your card is full you are able to select a brand new book to keep!
Then you can start a new card!
Get involved Seniors, what a wonderful programme!
Oliver read 3 books for homework this week! he will be a star contender!

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Cyclone Pam.

Room T have been learning about cyclones and about cyclone Pam. We have learnt that cyclones form in tropical places near the equater, like Vanawatu. Cyclone Pam will likely have dispersed by now and we hope that vanawatu gets better soon!

By Lachie and Hunter

Monday, March 16, 2015

Room s Leadership

Amazing house captains and the wonderful student representatives from super room s that are going to lead the school into an amazing year!!!

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Maths writing 2

Equation 6 x 3 + 7

I had 6 spiders and each spider had 3 babies. Then 7 more baby spiders came along. How many baby spiders were there altogether? Hamiora

I brought 6 bags of cow poo and each bag had 3 poos in it. Ethan gave me 7 more poos from his farm. How many cow poos do I have altogether? Kobe

I brought 6 bags of lollies and each had 3 lollies in it. Then I brought 7 chocolate bars. How much candy do I have altogetrher? Cameron

The Magical World of Crazy Science!!!

As Room T entered the hall I was bursting with excitement and I wondered what crazy experiments we would see this afternoon…
Then it started. At first it was funny magic that made everybody laugh! Then he started mixing ingredients for ‘Elephants Toothpaste’… BOOM! It erupted like an angry volcano, foam flowing down the sides creating a warm red puddle. Next up… ‘The Mizone Trick’ he poured different flavours into the bucket… red, yellow, green, and finally blue. He dipped a cup into the colourful mixture and pulled out - first a red cup, then a blue cup, after that a green cup and finally a yellow cup. Then he tipped up the bucket and it was dry! Next up…’The Bubbles’ He got a gigantic thread net and dipped it into a trash can lid filled with bubble mixture and blew a HUMONGOUS bubble. Big enough to fit me comfortably inside it! The juniors were screaming and yelling there heads off with excitement. I thought I’d go deaf! It was cool! The Crazy Magic Show was an amazing and fun experience!

As I curiously entered the MSS hall I wondered what mad things lay ahead. As I sat down Richard Scholes, AKA Mad Professor, gained my attention using silver rings that randomly connected together. There was a demonstration with a toilet paper machine, and then, unexpectedly it sprayed all over the juniors. Have you ever seen a bubble the size of a plasma screen T.V? Or a bubble inside another bubble? Well I have now! You don’t get elephant toothpaste at a supermarket… But you can at
The Crazy Magical World of Science.
Elephant toothpaste is a mixture of ingredients to make lots of orange and yellow bubbles.

I walked cautiously into the hall and sat down excitedly for the show. He started talking about something and then all these red balls started shooting out of his mouth. The next thing he did was take a hair dryer out of his bag and put a ping pong  ball on top and turn it on. It started floating! The juniors were screaming! I couldn't even hear myself think. The elephant’s toothpaste looked like foam. It was funny. The toothpaste was so cool! He also made a few bubbles inside a big bubble! One was so big! The juniors just wanted to pop it. When it finished I came out with a headache. My ears were screaming but I had fun. 

As Room T walked in to the hall we saw this man standing and waiting for the senior and junior team to all come and sit down. He had a lot of cool equipment ready for using. Then he started with a lot of cool sounds. He got a red squishy ball and put it in his pocket and pushed his stomach and it come up out of his mouth. My highlights were the hair dryer and the ping pong ball - it shot up in the air. The other one was the leaf blower - how it worked was you turn it on and the beach ball flew into mid air and when Pania moved the leaf blower the inflatable beach ball earth moved too.                                        

I wandered into the hall and peeked over everyone’s head. Richard Scholes was standing there with 3 tables behind him. One of the tables had the one and only toilet paper gun. First he attached plain rings together but they had no gap to connect. It was tremendous. My favourite part of the show was the elephant tooth paste.  For this he added a range of crazy ingredients making it grow out of the tube it was mixed in. It just about glided of one of the tables. Orange troth was everywhere. Everyone was pleased. I was sitting at the back so it was hard to see the mad crazy experiments. In no time at all the tremendous crazy science show was over.       

I really wish I could do some magic tricks!
As I excitedly walk into the hall I wonder what awaits me inside… I sit down and begin to watch the show. How do you do that I wonder? Next I saw him popping red balls out of his mouth - has he got something wrong with him. I loved the mega bubbles - they were awesome. They were about the size of a 50 inch TV. The juniors were about to pop the bubbles. Richard used a net a rope, sticks and bubble mix. I wish I could do some of the magic tricks at home.

“Boom! Boom! Boom!” My heart was pounding like a drum as I anxiously waited inside the hall ready for the show to start.
Finally Richard Scholes entered the hall welcomed by a roar of applause by the students and the teachers. Some of the science experiments Richard performed were the Elephant Toothpaste, the Exploding Rockets, the Toilet paper Cannon and the Giant Bubbles. One of my favourite experiments was the rockets.
The rockets involved these ingredients: water, tablets (which dissolve releasing CO2) and a little cylinder container with push on lids.
To do this experiment:
1.    Fill up your containers with water.
2.    Quickly put in your tablet into your containers, push on the lids and put them upside down.
3.    Quickly run to a safe distance and watch them explode.
The show was very entertaining and I had a lot of fun!