Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Constable Cree comes to help us with our safety.

Constable Cree came to the senior team to share with us about important safety in preparation for our Bike Out. 
Try them in the store.
Make sure it has a safety sticker for New Zealand.
Check straps are not frayed or chewed.
Check the outside shell.
2, 4, 1
2 fingers from eyebrow
4 fingers make a v around each ear.
1 finger under chin ...Not 2.
Check every single time. You may need to adjust it.
If your helmet is not done up YOU get the ticket, not your parents.

You should be riding on the road so that cars don't back over you when they come out of their driveways.
An adult should ride with you if you are under 10 years.
No child should be cycling at night.
Your bike should be suitable for your size today - touching the ground with your feet. The seat up to your hip.

Legal bikes must have:
2 brakes ( front and rear)
Rear red / orange reflector

Maintain your bike and you will be safe.
A air, B brakes, C chain
Oil your chain so it doesn't get rusty and it moves smoothly.

1 metre from the kerb
Stick to the left.
Cycle in cycle lanes.
The same direction as traffic.
2 cyclists can ride side by side ( a breast)
If it is a narrow road ride single lane for your own safety.
Hop off and walk through an intersection/ roundabout if you are not sure.
No carrying other people on your bike. Adults can with a proper child passenger carrier.
Pegs are for tricks.
A pedestrian crossing is for pedestrians. Get off and walk across.
You must obey all road traffic rules. You are traffic.
3 seconds to indicate then both hands back on the handlebars.

Skidding ruins your tyre.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Ms Ellis Xx That was a lot to remember!
    From Bonnie
