Friday, March 4, 2016

Teach the teacher - Riley

A mad scientist came to teach in Room S today, Riley.  He came complete with red wig, black lab coat and a PowerPoint to support his experiment. 
We waited in anticipation. It certainly was worth it. As he mixed his concoction, we watched quietly, learning from his teaching. Did you know that water has a heavier density than water and that's why oil floats on top? Very interesting. 
Finally it got to the last step of adding the alka seltzer tablet. Magic.... Chemical magic. Everyone was impressed. 
To test if we were listening to his teaching, he even had a quiz! What are great teacher. 
We compared what we know about lava lamps and this experiment. Safety was important too. Ms Ellis held it carefully over a lamp, which made the food colouring glow as intense as lava from deep inside the earths belly. 
We'll done Riley.
We love teach the teacher.

1 comment:

  1. Wow Riley! I do miss your projects, you always put so much thought and effort into them.
